Wednesday, March 3, 2010

SEO Basic - Search Engine Optimization Basic. Every novice web designer should know.

When I learn web design I don’t no more about SEO. But right now I know little bit about SEO. While I learning it I face some problem but it can’t stop me I continue my study and practice it day by day at last i overcome from it. So I write this note for those who want to know basic about Search engine optimization and want his site get indexed and listed in the major search engines. Here i discuss the most importance areas to get any website properly indexed by the search engines. The areas that we need to going through are the

1.Title Tag
2.Meta (Description and Keywords) Tags
3.Body text: a brief description of what you should write in the body text of your main (index) page.

This is just a very brief description, but it will nonetheless be very useful to the novice web designer to get a better understanding of the basics on how to get your website indexed and listed at the major search engines.
Below you can see  HTML code of a basic website. After This code I will give a brief description of each code tag you see.

<title>Enter your Title here</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="Enter your key words here">
<meta name="description" content="Enter your description here">
Enter your page's body text here

<title> Tag :
The first thing you need to do is identify the keyword phrases that are relevant to your company, products and services. When you have decided on your "keyword phrases" you need to put them in your page's <title> tag.
The title tag is definitely the most important tag in the header section of your web page. The title tag is displayed in the blue bar at the top of your browser window (SEO - Basic search engine tips - How to get indexed and listed at search engines). The title tag is a one-liner describing your business, and it includes the most important keywords. The search engines place a lot of relevance on the words contained
within the title tag, so be sure to include your targeted keyword phrases.
The title tag should not exceed 60 characters.

<META> Tags :
META tags are basically composed of the
<meta name="description" content="Enter your description here">
 and keyword
<meta name="keywords" content="Enter your key words here"> tags.

The description tag is used to describe your web page / business. Some search engines will use this
information to summarize your website in their search listings. It's again of utmost importance that you also include your keyword phrases in the description tag.
* The description tag should provide a 25-30 word description of your website.

 The keyword tag should of course include the "keyword phrases" that you are targeting in order of
importance. Start with the most important and then proceed to less important but still relevant keywords.

Do not include keywords that are not relevant to the theme of your site.
*  Do not repeat any word more than 3 times within the keyword tag.

<Body> Tag :
In the body tag section of your website, you should describe and explain the nature of your business, products, scope of the website, etc. You should generally include around 500-600 words in this area. Make
sure to repeat your "keyword phrases" a few times so that search engines will consider these to be very
important and relevant to your website. For nearly all search engines content is still king, and having lots of quality content will help you to increase your ranking with the major search engines.
After completing your site you have one last job to do. That is :

* Submission to Search engines
* and Submission to Directories.

Once your web page is fully optimized, it is time to submit it to the major search engines. Although there are hundreds of search engines on the Internet such as Google, MSN, Yahoo, USFreeAds, OPN, BusinessSeek, Searchwarp, Searchsight, National Directory, Quango, Homerweb, HiddenStreet, killerInfo, SearchIt, AdlandPro and many more., only a handful are truly important.

I know there must be a question arise in evry novice person how can i and where can I add my site url ?
Don’t worry Here I give you top three search engines add url link.
Google (Add URL)
Yahoo! (Add URL)
BING(msn of old) (Add URL)

It's recommended that you submit your website to the search engines manually instead of using any automated submission tool, because some search engines regard those as spam, and won't list your site. Keep in mind that it can take months before you get listed, so be patient.

Search engines need a starting point. That's why human edited directories are important to be listed in.

There are couple of major web directories at this moment:
       DMOZ - Free listings.
       The Yahoo directory  - Free listings for non-commercial sites.
If  any thing I miss here don’t hesitate. Share it by youre valuable comment.


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